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Weed Control

Weeds are an inevitable aspect of every garden. However, we can manage weeds effectively. We have various methods to control weeds in different garden settings. In your flowerbeds and borders, the little and often approach is the most effective way to handle common garden weeds, and this can be complimented by other services.

weeded flowerbed mulched with dark wood-chippings

Prevention measures

Open spaces where other plants are not in growth are most susceptible to weeds.  There are 2 simple approaches to counteract this:

- Fill the area with plants that we do want.

- Mulch bare soil with a thick layer (preferably composted wood chippings) to reduce light penetrating to the soil.

Both of these methods are excellent at reducing the proliferation of weeds in the garden.

common weed growing in a patio crack

Weeds in Hard Surfaces

Hard surfaces such as patios or gravel present their own difficulties for dealing with weeds.  It is often not possible to pull each individual weed and successfully extract the root.  This can be a wasted effort, as with the root still present the weed will quickly regrow.  In these instances we sympathetically use systemic herbicides.  Please note, herbicides are only applied when the plant (weed) is in growth, and must be done on a dry without wind to ensure the herbicide doesn't drift.

bindweed growing in a hedge

Pernicious Weeds

There are certain weeds that every gardener dreads seeing.  Bindweed, couch grass, horsetail & ground eldar are particularly difficult to deal with.  That's not even mentioning Japanese Knotweed!

It is important to be aware of each of these weeds to prevent unwittingly digging around them and spreading them further throughout the garden.

It is equally important to know that there are control measures to manage, reduce and even eradicate these pernicious weeds.

Contact us to discuss, and we can develop the most appropriate solution for your garden.

hoeing a single weed

Regular Programs

Many of our clients will include our Weed Control services in their Seasonal Garden Visits.  This enables them to keep on top of the weeds in the intervening time.

Many others book us in for additional Weed Control visits knowing that they are unlikely to get to the weeding  and ensure that we keep on top of the weeds so they don't become a problem.

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